give back by serving a meal

Serving meals on a Walk

We are very excited that you are interested in serving meals at one of our upcoming Emmaus Walks! This is a very rewarding opportunity for those who sign-up. We do encourage you to reserve your spot early since it is a first-come first-serve process to sign-up for but please read over the guidelines listed below so you will know exactly what to expect.

Servant guidelines

  • In order to serve, youth and adults who are interested must have attended a prior Flight or Walk or a similar retreat in the past.
  • If you are under the age of 18 you must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible for you.
  • It is very important that you arrive on-time.
  • Once you arrive at the Walk location please look carefully for meal servant signage directing you to a specific entrance.
  • Our minimum dress code is casual church appropriate attire.
  • It is permissible to serve more than one meal, but we do ask you to be courteous, and allow others to sign-up.
  • No smoking. Our community does not allow the use of tobacco products or any other substance and we also do not allow any firearms on the weekend accordingly.

Contact information

If you have questions, you can always contact our
Weekend Volunteer Co-Chair
If you have questions, you can always contact our
Weekend Volunteer Co-Chair

Next steps

Please follow the link below to sign-up and serve a meal on our next Emmaus weekend. We appreciate your time to serve with a willing heart in this act of agape for all our pilgrims. As you prepare to help us serve meals on this upcoming Walk, we also ask that you pray for our team and all our future pilgrims. Once again, thanks and we look forward to serving with you!