give back through 72 hours of prayer

The 72 hour prayer vigil

We ask that you faithfully consider praying for our next set of Emmaus Walks by dedicating yourself to this act of agape for one of the 72 hours we will have over our weekend together.

Remember that when Jesus taught His disciples how to pray he asked them to pray for God’s kingdom and to trust in God’s provision for their needs. Jesus also insisted that they persevere in prayer and promised that their prayers would be heard (Luke 11:1-10).

The key to Emmaus is prayer

Prayer is an important means of grace. Emmaus is not only a course for learning about the means of living in grace; it is an actual practice of those means of grace and an experience of Christ’s presence among us.

Nothing is more important than having our community pray earnestly before and during our three days together. Each day that unfolds over an Emmaus weekend will bring new teachings about God’s grace, the witness of team members, and regular occasions for prayer that can foster an openness to God in each of our pilgrims.

Pilgrims will have many chances to draw into prayer by the example that Christ offers us through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Emmaus involves everyone in experiences of individual prayer, prayer with partners, prayer with groups and even prayer as part of the entire Emmaus community.

What we ask you to pray for

Please begin to pray for the spirit of God to guide and empower you for your part on our Walk and in our community. Pray for the entire team, its leaders and prayer partners, and please pray for our participants. Give thanks to God for who they are, for what God has done in their lives already, and for what God still plans to do. Finally please pray that our pilgrims are open to the grace and guidance that God wants to give each of them at this time. 

Contact information

If you have questions, you can always contact our
Agape Chair

Next steps

Please follow the link below to sign up for one of our 72 hour prayer spots. We appreciate the time and the dedication that it will require for you to take part in this important act of agape. We are also very excited for what God will do with your support of us through prayer. Once again, thank you!